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Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle Road Hazards

Posted Jun 08, 2021 by Matt Boulton

Indiana Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Largely due to their vulnerability, motorcyclists are 26 times more likely to die in a collision and 5 times more likely to be injured than the occupant of an automobile who is involved in an accident. As such, while car accident fatalities across the U.S. remain steady or on the decline, the fatality rate in motorcycle accidents continues to rise.

With this in mind, attorney Matt Boulton recently spoke to an Indianapolis man who was injured in a motorcycle accident after a dog ran out in front of his bike on State Road 135. Not seeing the dog until it was too late, the biker swerved, lost control of his motorcycle, and ultimately left the roadway, causing him to crash his bike.

While this incident was caused by a peculiar type of liability, it certainly was not the first time Matt had encountered a motorcycle accident being caused by a stray animal in the roadway. In fact, it is only one of several types of hazards Indiana motorcycle accidents face on Indiana’s highways, interstates, and rural roads.

What are Some Common Motorcyclist Road Hazards?

Unlike the safety innovations that continually evolve to further protect automobile drivers and passengers, traffic dangers and road hazards largely remain the same for motorcyclists. In fact, it might be accurate to say the roadways have become even more dangerous for motorcyclists.

And while younger or newer riders may not always be sure what hazards to be on guard against, experience is never a guarantee in preventing a motorcycle accident. Even the most cautious and wise of motorcyclists can be caught by surprise due to automobiles and unexpected or sudden roadway hazards.

Some of the most common safety hazards Matt has identified during his 25 years of investigating motorcycle accidents include:

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Other Automobiles!

Indiana’s roadways have become increasingly congested in recent years due to the state’s growing population, and this means motorcyclists are continually surrounded by the drivers of cars and trucks who present a number of safety concerns, such as:

  • Speeding – Each year, a number of Indiana motorcyclists are seriously injured as a result of a car or truck exceeding speed limits or driving too fast for conditions.
  • Distracted driving – The dangers of distracted driving are well known to everyone, yet it continues to happen despite laws designed to decrease its occurrence. Always be aware of motorists who may be not giving their full attention to the road, as they may drift in lanes, be unaware of slowing or stopped traffic, and, in general, are a complete danger to the roadway.
  • Drivers who are under the influence.
  • Failing to yield the right of way.
  • Not keeping a proper lookout for motorcycles – Unattentive or unaware drivers of automobiles greatly increase the risk to motorcyclists simply due to a bike’s much smaller size and visibility.
  • Following too close – Motorcyclists face a number of unique road obstacles that might not always register with drivers of automobiles. For this reason, a motorcyclist may be forced to suddenly brake or slow at multiple and unexpected times. Tailgating anyone is dangerous, but following a motorcycle too closely can result in tragedy.

Dangerous Road Conditions

In addition to other automobiles and congestion, Indiana’s roads are subject to a number of hazards that can pose a much greater danger to motorcyclists than the occupants of a car or truck, including:

  • Potholes and/or chuckholes – Largely due to harsh weather conditions, Indiana’s roads are often dotted with potholes, chuckholes, and loose pavement that present a serious crash risk to motorcyclists.
  • Loose gravel and/or pebbles or sand-like conditions.
  • Rough or uneven road surfaces.
  • Wildlife – Whether it is a deer or a smaller animal, such as the dog in the above-mentioned case, animals in the roadway have been linked to a number of motorcycle accidents.
  • Unlit or poorly lit streets.
  • Construction – Road repair and expansion projects are a year-round occurrence in the Hoosier state. Due to the dangers construction zones present to traffic, motorcyclists must always be vigilant anytime they are near or in a work area.
  • Poor weather – Indiana’s weather can be especially unpredictable, and conditions such as rain or winds present dangers to even the most experienced riders. The moments after it begins raining will be among the most concerning times, as the roads become increasingly more slick from the oils and muddy areas, transforming into additional crash hazards. Likewise, winds can be equally unpredictable, such as when traveling on and/or in between gaps of bridges, near bodies of water, or along large open stretches of roadways that offer little or no wind protection barriers.
  • Railroad crossings – Train tracks and crossings should always be treated with caution, as they can present sudden changes in elevation and unpredictable surfaces due to the railway grooves, gaps, gravel, and other unexpected hazards.

Safety Tips for Motorcyclists

In addition to being aware of the risks posed by other drivers and roadway hazards, motorcyclists should take all the necessary safety precautions to improve their odds of avoiding a serious accident, including:

  • Get the right gear – Invest in a helmet that has been approved by the Department of Transportation (DOT); outfit yourself in long pants and shirts that are made from leather or another thick protective material; wear appropriate footwear, such as riding boots; and don’t add any distractions to your outfit that might cause unnecessary dangers.
  • Always be sure you are seen – The size of a motorcycle makes it difficult to be seen by other drivers–not to mention completely invisible in the increased number of blindspots–so you should always wear bright clothing and equipment, e.g., your helmet, as well as add reflective elements to your bike and/or gear.
  • Keep your headlight on at all times, day and night.
  • Never speed – Matt has investigated a number of accidents in which the motorcyclist’s speed played a significant role in the collision.
  • Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Always be mindful of intersections – A large number of motorcycle accidents occur near or in an intersection, due to an automobile failing to yield the right of way, speed, distracted driving, or being struck from behind due to not stopping in time.
  • Always check the weather reports and be prepared for unexpected changes in conditions.
  • Check out the latest motorcycle safety courses – Whether you are a relatively new or an experienced motorcyclist, it is always a smart idea to increase your knowledge as well as learn about the changes and latest recommendations regarding motorcycle safety.

Questions About an Indiana Motorcycle Accident?

If you or a loved one have been involved in an Indiana motorcycle accident, you may benefit from learning more about your legal rights and any potential claim to compensation.

Matt Boulton is an experienced Indiana motorcycle accident attorney who has investigated and settled claims for motorcyclists throughout the state of Indiana.

Additionally, Matt offers motorcyclists a Zero Fee Guarantee, which means you will never pay for friendly legal advice, and the only time the firm receives payment for its services is after we win your case.

To learn more about your options, you can send your story to Boulton Law Group by using our confidential contact form. Matt reviews every contact received at the firm.

Matt Boulton

Author Matt Boulton

Attorney Matt Boulton is an award-winning personal injury attorney with more than 25 years of experience helping seriously injured people throughout Indiana. He designed his firm for the client who expects exceptional service and passionate, successful legal representation.

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