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Car Accidents

Green Light Never Guarantees Right-of-Way Safety at Intersections

Posted Aug 15, 2024 by Matt Boulton

From an early age, we’re taught to interpret a green traffic light as a signal that gives us the right-of-way. What’s not often said enough, though, is that a green light never guarantees your safety.

In fact, a large number of Indiana’s most severe car accidents occur at intersections controlled by traffic lights. And due to the unique dynamics of intersection-related car accidents, many of the victims sustain serious and/or fatal injuries.

Attorney Matt Boulton has spent 25+ years investigating and handling Indiana car accident claims that occurred at or in an intersection. Having witnessed the aftermath of these collisions, he continually reminds others that green lights should always be treated with caution.

Given his experience, let’s take a look at what Matt has determined to be some common causes of Indiana’s intersection-related accidents.

Top Causes of Green Light Intersection Accidents

The vast majority of green light intersection accidents are ultimately caused by one or more drivers failing to obey or understand a traffic signal.

If you had a green traffic light, and were struck by another vehicle in an intersection, it’s possible the defendant driver was negligent in one of the following ways:

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  • Distracted driving
  • Excessive speed
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Attempting an illegal turn
  • Drowsy driving
  • Poor or improper vehicle maintenance, e.g., brake failure
  • Confusion
  • Inattention, i.e., zoning out

The specific cause of a green light intersection accident will usually be noted in the official Indiana accident report. Often, the liability determination is found in the section of the report titled Investigative Information and/or further explained in the section titled Narrative.

To get a better idea of the information in these types of accident reports, we can look at a Plainfield car accident case investigated and handled by attorney Boulton.

Green Light Intersection Car Accident Example

The following car accident occurred in Plainfield, Indiana at the intersection of Dan Jones Road and Beechwood Drive, as indicated in the crash diagram:

Green Light Car Accident at Plainfield Intersection

According to an officer with the Plainfield Police Department, Driver 1 (defendant) was traveling southbound on Dan Jones Road, and Driver 2 (client) was traveling eastbound on Beechwood Drive.

When asked by the officer what led to the crash, the defendant admitted they had mistakenly run the red light.

Attorney Boulton’s client corroborated the defendant’s statement by telling the officer that the light was green as they entered the intersection. The client further stated they didn’t have time to avoid or react to the imminent collision.

Further accident report details indicated the crash happened during daylight hours at 3:45 in the afternoon. Weather conditions were reported as cloudy with a dry roadway surface.

Additionally, neither driver was found to be driving under the influence, distracted, or inhibited by any medical conditions.

Based on these facts, the officer listed Disregard Signal as the primary factor of the crash. In short, this accident was determined to be a case of driver inattention, or as stated above, “zoning out.”

The collision caused significant damage to both vehicles, with the investigating officer estimating $10,000 – $25,000 in property damage. As a result, both vehicles were inoperable and towed from the scene.

Our client sustained various soft-tissue injuries that required medical treatment, ultimately leading to various bills as well as pain and suffering. This led them to seek the services of a Plainfield personal injury attorney.

The resulting personal injury claim against the defendant driver’s insurance company was successfully handled by Matt to the client’s satisfaction.

Tips to Help Avoid Accidents at Intersections

Indiana’s roadways are dotted with countless intersections, each one unique to local geography and traffic patterns.

Given the high number of intersection-related accidents, there are a number of safety precautions you can take to help lower the risk of being involved in this type of collision:

Never assume a green light guarantees your safety!

It can’t be said enough. While a green light suggests you can proceed through an intersection, it does nothing to guarantee against another driver’s (or pedestrian’s) negligence.

Take a quick glance.

Always be cognizant of the traffic directly in front of you but also be sure to take a quick glance both ways for vehicles traveling in perpendicular lanes, also known as cross-traffic.

A quick glance in both directions may allow you to spot an oncoming vehicle that doesn’t appear to be slowing or is traveling at excessive speeds.

Never try to time a green light.

Familiarity with particular intersections, or looking at cross-traffic signals, may lead some drivers to attempt timing a green light.

In other words, they assume a light will turn green and fail to slow or brake for a red light that they assume is “about” to turn green. Never attempt to do this.

Watch your speed.

Even if you have a green light and are struck by another vehicle, your speed can be a potential factor in the overall liability of the accident, especially if it is determined that you were traveling well above the limit.

Watch for illegal or poorly timed turns.

A large number of intersection-related accidents occur due to a driver in the opposing lanes attempts to turn left in front of a driver who has a green light. This often happens when the left-turning driver has a flashing turn light and simply tries to beat oncoming traffic.

Similarly, drivers that have green lights at intersections should also be watchful for vehicles in perpendicular lanes that attempt to turn right on a red light.

Questions About an Intersection-Related Car Accident?

No matter the type or size, a car accident often leads to a wide range of personal, professional, and legal questions. You should never try to resolve any of these concerns without first speaking to an experienced personal injury attorney.

To help ensure your rights are protected, Boulton Law Group offers all Indiana accident victims a Zero Fee Guarantee. This promise means case reviews are 100% free and you never have to worry about paying the firm a fee unless a financial recovery is made on your behalf.

To receive an online case review, please use our confidential, free contact form.

Matt Boulton

Author Matt Boulton

Attorney Matt Boulton is an award-winning personal injury attorney with more than 25 years of experience helping seriously injured people throughout Indiana. He designed his firm for the client who expects exceptional service and passionate, successful legal representation.

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